Intermediate Cleanse (Frozen)
This cleanse is right for you if you have done a cleanse before, but are still struggling with a good deal of processed foods in your diet, or simply need a gentle approach. Taking your journey to the next level with this heavy-on-the-greens (but not too heavy) delicious cleanse is easy! Each day includes:
- Green Lemon-aid (spinach, romaine, cucumber, kale, celery, lemon, cayenne, hint of agave, alkaline water)
- Easy Green (cucumber, kale, apple, lemon)
- Bunny Brew (carrot, beet, ginger)
- Daily Detox (purple cabbage, carrot, spinach, apple, lemon, ginger)
- Daily Green (pineapple, kale, cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger)
- Choco Maca Mylk (coconut, alkaline water, cacao powder, maca, mesquite, cinnamon, date, vanilla)
Each day includes six 16oz bottles. To use as a cleanse, simply defrost 6 the night before or a few at time to always have juice on hand.