Take your cleanse to the next level with the heavy-on-the-greens (but not too heavy) delicious cleanse. A kale shot boosts the detox, while ginger soothes the gut and promotes overall wellness. Perfect for more experienced cleansers or those coming from a clean diet. Each day includes:
- 16 oz Green Lemon-aid (spinach, romaine, kale, cucumber, celery, lemon, cayenne pepper, hint of agave and filtered water)
- 16 oz Easy Green (cucumber, kale, apple, lemon)
- 16 oz Bunny Brew (carrot, beet, ginger)
- 16 oz Daily Detox (purple cabbage, carrot, spinach, apple, lemon, ginger)
- 16 oz Daily Green (pineapple, kale, cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger)
- 16 oz Fall Greens Chia (spinach, celery, cucumber, red and green apple, pineapple, lemon, chia seeds)
- 2 oz Ginger Shot (ginger)
- 2 oz Kale Shot (kale)