Clear Verde
Greens are the powerhouse of detoxification. Dive into this ultra cleanse that combines greens, activated charcoal lemon-aid, and anti-inflammatory concentrates for the ultimate experience. Purchase as a cleanse or spread out a one day package over 3 days for a more gentle infusion of phytonutrients. Each day of cleanse includes:
- 16 oz Black Magic (lemon, ginger, activated charcoal, cayenne pepper, filtered water, hint of agave)
- 2- 16 oz Green Goddess (spinach, romaine, kale, cucumber, celery)
- 16 oz Daily Green (pineapple, kale, cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger)
- 16 oz Cucumber (cucumber)
- 16 oz Fall Greens Chia (spinach, celery, cucumber, red and green apple, pineapple, lemon, chia seeds)
- 2 oz Detox Shot (turmeric, ginger, lemon, cayenne pepper, apple, Himalayan sea salt)
- 2 oz Kale Shot (kale)